Alfa's Secondary Students Travel to Madrid to see Evangelist Nick Vujicic

In the wee hours of Saturday, October 1st, one hundred Alfa & Omega secondary students boarded two buses headed to see the Australian evangelist and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic, on the Madrid stop of his worldwide anti-bullying tour. Born without arms and legs, the 40 year old shared his own story of being bullied as a child and how he was able to overcome the trials with his faith in Jesus Christ. Nick presented very compelling evidence to teenagers that "You can overcome any form of bullying with God!"

Here are Eunice’s words of gratitude to the DBF Community whose donations made this trip possible:


"This was an incredible day with 1,800 teenagers in Madrid. We were in the second row so we delighted in everything going on very close to the stage and were able to enjoy every word and activity. Our students are in shock (positive way) and the program was extremely well prepared for their ages: rap, hip hop, graffiti and Nick's speech. 

I want to thank you for your support and prayers. We are really joyful and satisfied with the results.

Everything is for the glory of God. 

Let the planted seed grow in good ground.

Bendiciones, Os quiero."