DBF Donors Provide Funding to Renovate the Volunteer Area

Due to several changes in local regulations, Colegio Alfa & Omega’s plans to add the two year baccalaureate curriculum have been delayed unfortunately. However in the interim, the leadership will continue to move forward with the project by renovating the living area for the volunteers who come to serve at the Colegio and who will ultimately serve the future baccalaureate program as well. Donations from the DBF community will help provide a significant part of the funding for the renovation.

Over the years, the international volunteer program has served as a fundamental pillar of Alfa & Omega’s ministry. The volunteers who come from all over the world, have delivered their time, energy, talents and gifts to serve the Alfa & Omega community and help build the kingdom of God in Dénia. Volunteers are cared for in a special way with pastoral discipleship, individually and collectively. They return to their homes and communities of faith, renewed and with lives transformed.

The volunteers serve in a variety of important ways at Alfa & Omega including facilities maintenance, gardening, cooking, cleaning and supporting teachers in the classroom. The service that they provide allows Alfa & Omega to deliver a high-quality Christ-centered education at a reasonable cost.

The renovation includes new windows, new floors, new bedrooms and improvements in the bathrooms. One of the most popular improvements for the volunteers will be the addition of air conditioning in their common area along with a new refrigerator.

Once it is possible to move forward with the baccalaureate curriculum, the volunteers will play a key role in the success of the new program just as they have in the primary and secondary programs. Investing in a better space for the volunteers today will help lay a strong foundation for the Baccalaureate program in the future. We will keep you up-to-date as the project progresses.