DBF Holds First CaféChat with Alfa

On August 26th, Dénia Bridges held its first town hall-style CaféChat with Alfa virtually via Zoom. Jorge and Eunice gave an update on the tremendous progress Colegio Alfa & Omega is making in spite of the unprecedented challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all enjoyed seeing some familiar faces from folks from all around the US and it was especially nice to see and hear Jorge even as God blesses him with improving health.

CaféChat Participants

CaféChat Participants

The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly presented challenges for us all and may continue to do so for a longer period than we all want. It is so reassuring to know that the Colegio Alfa & Omega continues its mission started some 40 years ago providing Christ-centered education to the children of Spain. As an example, it was heartening to see the recent renovation of the new dining hall knowing that one day soon it will be filled once again with young voices and big smiles.

Please know that the Dénia Bridges Foundation will continue to support the school and welcomes your questions and assistance. We look forward to hosting more of these calls in the future.