Alfa's Secondary Students Travel to Madrid to see Evangelist Nick Vujicic

In the wee hours of Saturday, October 1st, one hundred Alfa & Omega secondary students boarded two buses headed to see the Australian evangelist and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic, on the Madrid stop of his worldwide anti-bullying tour. Born without arms and legs, the 40 year old shared his own story of being bullied as a child and how he was able to overcome the trials with his faith in Jesus Christ. Nick presented very compelling evidence to teenagers that "You can overcome any form of bullying with God!"

Here are Eunice’s words of gratitude to the DBF Community whose donations made this trip possible:


"This was an incredible day with 1,800 teenagers in Madrid. We were in the second row so we delighted in everything going on very close to the stage and were able to enjoy every word and activity. Our students are in shock (positive way) and the program was extremely well prepared for their ages: rap, hip hop, graffiti and Nick's speech. 

I want to thank you for your support and prayers. We are really joyful and satisfied with the results.

Everything is for the glory of God. 

Let the planted seed grow in good ground.

Bendiciones, Os quiero."

Dallas Baptist University Highlights Men’s Basketball Team’s Recent Visit to Dénia

Photo from DBU Report Fall 2022

Dallas Baptist University highlighted it’s men’s basketball team’s recent visit to Denia to serve at Colegio Alfa & Omega in the Fall Edition of DBU Report. From the article, “ In 1 Peter 4:10, Paul calls believers to use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace. Over the Fall Break, the DBU Basketball team traveled to Dénia, Spain, to serve with long-time ministry partner Colegio Alfa y Omega. These student-athletes led out in various activities, including teaching Bible lessons, hosting a basketball clinic, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the children in Dénia.” This is an inspiring story and a great example of how DBU students are learning and serving around the world for the glory of God. To read the rest of the article, please go to page 18 after clicking here.

Colegio Alfa & Omega holds "My Self Care", it's First Women's Retreat

Colegio Alfa & Omega held its first “My Self Care” retreat on campus during a weekend in October. It was a retreat for all moms and female teachers at the school. The mission of the two-day retreat was to help the women of the Alfa community find emotional, nutritional, social and spiritual equilibrium in their lives. Eunice reports that it was a  precious time spent with over seventy women to learn, enjoy and receive much needed TLC.

Leading workshops were former students, professional moms and Alfa & Omega’s founder, Jorge Pastor.

During the weekend, the Lord opened doors, healed hearts, touched lives and the result was that each participant wants to do it again next year.

We ask for prayer that God would germinate the seeds that were planted this weekend.


DBF's Mid Year Update 2022

July 2022

Dear DBF Family:

I would like to begin our summer newsletter with something very special that one of our board members, JuneAn Lanigan, wrote about her and her husband Kevin’s recent trip to Dénia:

"On this trip we were able to spend time with Eunice over dinner and she gave us a guided walking tour of the town (thank you!). We enjoyed a leisurely morning with Jorge in the Prayer Garden hearing his story; the witness of God’s providence bestowed on generations before him. Dénia, with Alfa & Omega at the core, became magical. Warm greetings from teachers and staff, eager smiles from children small and big, and conversations with future exchange students touched our hearts. God has truly blessed this place and all who are part of it. Even through Covid, and its devastating impact on education globally, Alfa & Omega thrived. God encouraged Eunice and the staff when times seemed unbearable and protected the children who found safety and consistency in a time of confusion and turmoil. It is hard to express the joy and love we experienced on our trip."

Thank you JuneAn. I feel this truly expresses the joy that we all feel when we experience God's light that for some reason just seems to burn a bit brighter on the Costa Blanca. On our website you can read Eunice's annual End of School review and other stories that highlight the ways in which God has blessed the Alfa community during the past school year.

With that we have just one ask for you. We are helping Eunice raise €3,000 to rent a bus to take a group of A&O secondary students to see the Australian evangelist and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic in Madrid. Born without arms and legs, Nick will be in Spain at the end of September sharing his own story of being bullied as a child and how he was able to overcome the trials with his faith in Jesus Christ. Nick will present very compelling evidence to teenagers that "You can overcome any form of bullying with God!" Please consider making a special mid year donation to help support this unbudgeted expense. You can donate via the DBF website here!

May His grace, peace and blessings be in your path this summer,

Scott Johnson
President and Co-founder
Dénia Bridges Foundation

DBF Announces New Board Member

Denia Bridges Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of a new member to its board of directors. At its April 2022 meeting, the board approved the addition of Kevin Lanigan of Portola Valley, CA. Kevin is an active community volunteer and a former hospitality executive and entrepreneur.

Kevin has served in board and leadership roles in several non-profit organizations in the SF Bay Area and across the US. In 2017, Kevin and his wife JuneAn, who has served on the DBF board since 2019, hosted a high school student from Colegio Alfa & Omega in Dénia, Spain for a few months. About his experience Kevin said, “For a few months in 2018 my wife, JuneAn and I got to know Spain and Dénia and Alfa & Omega very well through the insights of the young man who stayed with us. We cooked together, played games together, navigated High School together, attended Church together and traveled a good part of California together. We got to know him, his family and his home in Spain very well. I am certain that my wife and I benefited much more than he did from the experience. I hope to see connections with Denia and Alfa & Omega flourish in the years ahead.”

Scott Johnson, president and co-founder of the Dénia Bridges Foundation said, “We are very excited to welcome Kevin to DBF’s board! He brings expertise, experiences and a heart for Dénia that will be invaluable to the DBF board and our partners in Spain. We look forward to working closely with Kevin to support education and youth development in Spain in the years to come.”

Summer Camps in Full Swing at Alfa & Omega

Since the last week of June, Alfa & Omega has held a full lineup of day camps and its traditional summer day care program for infants and pre-schoolers.  In June, they held Day Camp and Soccer Camp and in July, American Camp, Master Chef, Adventure Camp and Art Camp. Groups from Cabot Baptist Church (Arkansas), Dallas Baptist University (Texas) and Baylor University (Texas) served as counselors for the camps in addition to Alfa & Omega staff. The international teams worked hard to make these weeks fun, special and above all a time to learn about Jesus and to apply the values of the Kingdom every day. More than 200 children are participating each week and we are all grateful to God for the A&O’s opportunity and privilege to reach so many children.

Eunice's Alfa & Omega 2021/2022 End of Year Report

International Volunteer Program

The volunteer program continues to play a fundamental role at Alfa & Omega. Young people who come from around the world truly enrich the A&O community in Dénia and the daily activities that go on there.

Currently there are six volunteers (three boys and three girls) who hail from Germany, Cuba and Costa Rica. Bonnie and Tim Cook, missionaries from the US and the program coordinators, lead daily devotionals with the group as well as coordinate other events. Every two weeks, the volunteers participate in activities with the Dénia Trinity Church youth group.

On Mondays, the Cooks prepare a home cooked meal for the volunteers at their home and then four days a week, the volunteers receive Spanish language classes, taught by an Alfa & Omega teacher.

Eunice and Hugo are currently recruiting new volunteers for this coming Fall and feel that the current group they have is a gift from God as each volunteer is engaged and makes a special contribution to the Alfa & Omega community. We continue to pray for them and for those who will come in the future.


This Year’s Theme:  “Happiness” - Matthew 5:1-12


Alfa & Omega Christmas Market

In the month of December, we held our first Christmas market at A&O with all profits going to support local and international missions. During the afternoon of 12/1, the entire A&O community enjoyed a special day on the first day of Advent that culminated with the lighting of the Christmas tree. That afternoon, we raised €2,741 for the following missions:

  • Dénia: Extiende tu mano (Lend a Hand) – Local Dénia food bank run by the Dénia Trinity Church

  • Cuba: Christian Pre-school in Cuba

  • Mozambique: Mission Project

  • Equatorial Guinea: Mission Project

 Alfa & Omega Week

In February continuing our theme of Happiness, we focused on developing the virtue of generosity with our students.  Accordingly we held the Lazos Project which supported the local Cancer association in Dénia. We raised €2,000, doubling our goal of €1,000.

 During the week of February 21-25 we held the following enriching activities and field trips:

  • The Dénia Rotary Club has established the Friends Club whose mission is to promote equality, respect, conflict resolution, companionship and friendship amongst the primary and secondary students of Dénia. Representatives from the Rotary Club came to A&O to inaugurate the program.

  • A21, a Christian anti-trafficking/human slavery association held a workshop with our secondary students.

  • The Mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, along with the Education Department head, Melani Ivars and Analyst Mar Mayans visited Alfa & Omega to review the campus and facilities, speak to the students and visit with the faculty and staff. During the visit, Pastor Elias from Dénia Trinity Church prayed for the distinguished group of visitors during an all-school assembly.

  • A&O Campus Cleanup – The entire student body dedicated a day to cleaning the forest, making repairs and taking care of where they spend the majority of every day during the week. The goal of this activity was to foster love for our campus and to demonstrate generosity through service.

  • A Day in the Bosque – In this team building exercise, students brought fabrics and ropes and each grade built “houses” and cabanas together as a team along the terraces of the Bosque. At the end everyone picnicked together.

  • Surprise Movie Day – A&O faculty and staff surprised both the primary and secondary students by renting out the entire local theater in what was a super fun day.

    In the end our overall goal through these activities is to create community, fraternity and teamwork.


We dedicated the first trimester of 2022 to providing specific training for the families of our students and professional development for our faculty. Our teachers were able to take the courses they wanted to help stay on top of new trends and developments in their fields of expertise.

 For the families, we provided the following well-attended seminars:

  •  Will You Play With Me? – Lara Fuente Utor, a professional neurologist, gave a perspective from a neuroeducation standpoint

  •  How to Not Have a Perfect Family – A&O Head of School, Eunice Pastor Sendra

  •  Security – Local Christian Police, City of Logroño, Project Alexia

  •  The Head and the Heart – Psychologist, Isabel Rojas Estapé

  • First Aid – Dr. Marta Carrió Font


  •  Erasmus+ Exchange – For the past three years we have participated in this EU-sponsored exchange program with the College of Rotterdam, NL, (Wartburg College). In March a team of administrators and faculty traveled to Rotterdam to visit the facilities and staff. Next June, our first group of fourth year secondary students will go to Wartburg for an end of year trip.

  •  Gummersbach Schule – This Christian school in Germany, with which we have been related for some time, received two of our students at the beginning of the Fall semester. They then sent a group of students to Alfa & Omega for a week in January where the German students participated in our classes, did common projects with our students and practiced their Spanish.

  •  New Partnership – In December, we established a new partnership with Oakland Christian School in Michigan, USA. We have already commenced with joint activities online and we are evaluating the possibility of sending a group of our students to the school next Fall.


  •  Goethe Institute - Award for Best Actors and Actresses - Our second year seconday students won the prize for Best Short Film. The team produced, directed and edited the film for a German class project.


Within days of the Russian invasion of this country, we asked our community for the basic necessities that people affected by war would need. Our fourth year secondary students sorted, organized and loaded the donated goods collected at the Hotel Costa Blanca into trucks heading for Ukraine. We continue to provide opportunities for those in the area who want to help as well as provide assistance to refugee families. We have welcomed two Ukrainian students into A&O classes  from a refugee family who landed in Dénia.


During the 1st trimester, there was not a single positive Covid-19 case in Alfa & Omega. This is a miracle!

In December and January, we vaccinated students 12 years old and under at the Colegio.  Unfortunately there were positive cases that we managed according to the guidelines of our public health leaders. Every Friday, we report the current status of Covid-19 at A&O to our families.


  • From Head to Plate: Our students are participating in a city-wide cooking program, made available to all children by the Municipality of Dénia.

  • Orchard and school farm: We have begun a new orchard and farm school project this third trimester.

  • Formation Class: In December, Hugo and Eunice gave a teamwork and motivational class for the staff of the youth house of Dénia.

  • Prayer Time: •  Coinciding with Advent, all A&O staff were invited to a time of prayer in the Bosque. Thanks to the Lord for this time together with Him and these moments of adoration, praise and gratitude.

  • Bible Distribution: In May we distributed Bibles to all third graders coinciding with the time that several of them experience their first communion. Each child received a children’s Bible coloring book.

  • Middle School - As we reported towards the end of last year, we have created a new concept called Middle School where our professors work with our students in an intensive study of different topics. The latest topic was the Mediterranean. Here is the link to the site our students created: .

  • Ball Pit/PlayPlace for Children: We installed a ballpit in the gym that was donated to us at the end of the last school year. It’s a play place filled with plastic balls (McDonalds-like) for 2 and 3 year olds. In addition, it is a great space for learning and motor development.


As we mentioned in the last report, our planned maintenance program continues to expand. Some of our upcoming improvements are:

  • New streetlights in the pool, Bosque and the area in front of "The Home."

  • More efficient electricity use via zoning and automating the energy usage in the buildings.

  • Evaluating the possibility of installing solar panels due to the huge increase in energy costs. We are currently looking for grants and donations to finance the project.

  • Evaluating the possibility of zoning the water distribution on campus.

  • We have renovated the office of the reception of "The Home" by cleaning, painting and installing recycled wood floors.

  • Expanded security camera coverage to the Music Room.


  • Green House Project: We continue to dream of a learning space for personal growth using a Green House. A&O’s Board has approved this project.

  • Centos Collection: We have begun a new art project focusing on the processes of Illustration, writing, layout and printing.

  • Speech Therapy: We are studying the possibility of organizing a community wide speech initiative in which non A&O students could participate.

    We believe that our future growth depends on diversification and an openness to move into new areas. Continuing to develop the Alfa & Omega brand will help us expand and transform ourselves into an educational enterprise of the 21st century where we can provide a variety of different ministries to our students and the entire community.

THE HOME (formerly known as The Residence)

We continue to organize and improve the space of the sleeping facilities in the residence.

As mentioned before, we have renovated the reception area and added security to the bedroom corridors.  To gain access now, one receives a code which besides providing strong security, gives more independence to our guests since the doors are always locked now.

We have also updated our website with a special “The Home” section which outlines the responsibilities of our guests and allows online registration.

Since January, we have already received our first large groups since having to cancel all trips during Covid:

  • The German School: FCBG

  • Columbus Avenue Baptist Church

Here is a list of the groups that we are hosting this summer to help with our camps program:

  • Baylor University, Texas

  • Cabot Baptist Church, Arkansas

  • Dallas Baptist University, Texas

Baylor Returns to Dénia!

After a two year hiatus due to Covid, the Baylor in Dénia program is returning this July! For over 20 years, Baylor has been sending students to Spain’s beautiful Mediterranean coast for a 5-week Spanish immersion program on the campus of Colegio Alfa & Omega. Baylor students participate in a week-long Kid's Camp service project while living together with Baylor faculty in the Centro Montgó as a home base in Dénia. Weekend excursions to Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, and Granada give students the unique perspective of using Spanish in a cultural setting that is life-changing. For more information click here!

Eunice Pastor Represents K-10 Education in Major Regional Roundtable

On May 13th, Eunice Pastor, Executive Director of Colegio Alfa & Omega and DBF Board Member, participated in an important regional roundtable where leaders from different sectors of industry, education and government addressed the major issues that will affect the future of the Alta Marina region. The overall mission of the annual event, Compartir Marina Alta, is to find solutions for the future needs of the region through debate, discussion and reflection.


In Eunice’s session on Education and Workforce Preparation, she shared the table with Miguel Soler, Secretary for Education and Professional Formation, Valencian Community, Rebeca Torró, Secretary for Economic Sustainability, Valencian Community and Adolf Utor, President of the Balearia Transportation Company. Isabel Moreno Hernández, Director of the Port of Javea moderated the roundtable.

60th Anniversary Celebration!

Today, the Alfa & Omega community in Dénia celebrated the 60th anniversary of the acquisition of the land upon which the school sits today. During this time, it has been the site for summer camps, radio program broadcasts, Christian conferences and mission trips from all around the world. And 40 years ago, a group of dedicated teachers and administrators founded Colegio Alfa & Omega that would provide Christ-centered education to generations of children on the Costa Blanca and beyond.

Jorge and Hugo


The group gathered at Alfa & Omega on this day honored those who came before them and celebrated God’s faithfulness over the past 60 years. Jorge Pastor, the founder and executive director of Colegio Alfa & Omega for its first 40 years, told stories and shared many of his memories during the celebration. A special guest on hand for the festivities was Linda Hoffman, from Louisville, KY, who attended the very first camp as a missionary kid back in 1962. A group of Alfa & Omega teachers and staff: Toñi, Inés, Candy and Eunice, related personal anecdotes from their long history of serving at the school. And finally, a heartfelt thanks went to the volunteers from all around the world past and present for their great work and dedication.

Eunice, Candy, Ines, Hugo and Toñi


The celebration ended with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and healthy servings of a beautiful birthday cake: